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Gathering Family Strength丨KTC Conducted Staff Family Visit Day
( Source:KTC   /   Send time:2023-05-29 )

On May 27, 2023, KTC Party Branch and KTC Labor Union jointly held a visit day for employees' families in Bantian Park and Huinan Park respectively, with over 60 groups of employees' families and more than 100 employees' families participating in the activity.

At the beginning of the activity, Wu Chongyi, Chairman of Shenzhen KTC Technology Union, and Ling Hongqiang, Chairman of Huizhou KTC Union, led the team to participate in the activity and delivered speeches respectively, expressing a warm welcome to the arrival of employees' families on behalf of the company and expressing gratitude to the support of employees' families for the development of the company. The development of the company is inseparable from the silent efforts and hard work, hard work and diligence of each employee, but also from the silent support and tolerance and understanding behind the family members. We also hope that through this opportunity to visit the company, we can have a "zero-distance" understanding of the company and gain insights into our family members' work and the company's development. This will enable us to provide more care, support, and understanding, and together, build and share a happy and successful enterprise.

During the event, "interpreters" and "tour guides" will be arranged in both park areas to lead employees' family members on visits to the company's exhibition halls, office areas, production workshops, park environment, recreational facilities, and more. There will be active interactions and engagement throughout the tour. At the end, the employees' family members enjoyed a sumptuous lunch in the staff canteen of the two park areas.

This activity allows employees' families to enter the company and experience KTC's corporate culture and corporate image from a "zero distance", enhances their understanding and support of employees' work, increases communication between the company and the family, consolidates the bond between the company and the family, promotes harmonious development, and coalesces the synergy of family and enterprise to build a better home together.

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