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New Force, New Future-2022 First KTC Technology New Emploees Orientation
( Source:KTC   /   Send time:2022-07-13 )

It’s the scorching July again! And the new employees of 2022 have reported for duty. Over 300 graduates from various universities and different regions have joined KTC Technology at different times. They are excited and hold high expectations. Their lives have embarked on a new path when they obtained a new identity: a new member of KTC Technology.

They came to KTC Technology one after another with their luggage and their high hope of the future. The ushers from the HR Department are ready to receive the new employees. They are posted at the entrance of our company’s office building and at the sites where onboarding procedures and accommodations registration procedures are gone through. The thoughtful services make sure everything goes well with the new hires. The venue is in order and harmony.

After a day's rest, 2022 orientation for new employees began formally in Shenzhen and Huizhou industrial parks at the same time.

At the training, Mr. Li, General Manager of the HR Department of KTC Technology, and Mr. Wu, General Manager of Huinan KTC Technology, gave a speech respectively. They offered guidance and encouragement for the new employees’ work, learning, and life.

Afterward, the orientation was carried out, involving working rules, products, skills, and so on. Led by staff members from the HR Department, the new employees visited the products exhibition hall and the assembly line to know about KTC Technology’s latest products and modern smart assembly line.

The training helps new employees get familiar with and adapt to enterprise culture, regulations, and working rules, so they can have a positive working mentality and bond with the company as soon as possible, which is the solid foundation of their competence.

The end of the orientation means the beginning of the new employees’ career in KTC Technology. We wish the new employees happiness in work and life. We hope they can make progress, take new challenges, and make achievements together with KTC Technology at this new starting point.

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