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Our company was awarded the title of Top 100 Industrial Enterprises of Shenzhen in 2015
( Source:KTC   /   Send time:2016-03-16 )

To further promote the industrial economy development of Shenzhen Municipality and encourage industrial enterprises to enlarge in size and strengthen in competitiveness, Shenzhen Economic & Trade Information Committee and Shenzhen Statistical Bureau jointly released the list of Top 100 Industrial Enterprises of Shenzhen in 2015. Our company ranks the 54th in the list, higher than the last year. Our company has been on the list for 7 years in a row since we were first added to the list in 2009.


According to statistical data, the gross industrial output value of top 100 industrial enterprises in 2015 is 1448817 million Yuan which accounts for 57.8% of the gross output value of industrial enterprises above designated size. It can be seen that top 100 industrial enterprises are the mainstay for the industrial economy development of Shenzhen. Although there was a market downturn in the past year, top 100 industrial enterprises still maintained a high growth rate, showed outstanding performance in operating income, profits, assets, taxes, research input, number of employees and other indexes, and represented a better comprehensive strength than average.


Thanks to our continuous efforts in production management, research, development and design and other aspects, our company was able to actively respond to the call of the government and maintained a stable growth of foreign trade. The announcement of the list of top 100 industrial enterprises is really an encouragement for us, but it also urges us to continuously play an exemplary role, keep steadfast in our work and aim for excellence, so as to serve as the driving force for the economic development of Shenzhen.

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